HoliCow at the 47th ICAR Annual Conference

27 May 2024 by
HoliCow at the 47th ICAR Annual Conference
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Members of the HoliCow team participated in the 47th ICAR and Interbull Annual Conference in Bled, Slovenia.

The HoliCow project was presented on Thursday during Session 5: “SC Milk Analysis – How to relate on farm sustainability and milk analysis?”. Julie Leblois, our project manager from Elevéo, explained the project and its objectives and detailed each Work Package.

The ICAR Conference represents each year a great opportunity to share with, learn from and interact with fellow members and related stakeholders in global animal production.

Other members of our team also mentioned the HoliCow project during their presentations.

Clément Grelet, from CRA-W, mentioned it during his presentation "Can we get information on dairy cows chronic stress biomarkers using milk MIR spectra?"

Hélène Soyeurt, from Gembloux Agro-Biotech, talked about how spectrally representative datasets are used to build MIR-based predictive models, which is directly linked to the HoliCow project.

During her presentation on "Predicting dairy cattle heat stress indicators using machine learning and mid infrared spectral data", Laura Monica Dale, from LKV-BW, also mentioned HoliCow.

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