ENAJ x EU-FarmBook Event in Ghent

10 July 2024 by
ENAJ x EU-FarmBook Event in Ghent
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In July, members from the Holicow team participated in an event organised by ENAJ (European Network of Agricultural Journalists) and EU-FarmBook, a Horizon Europe project working on building an online platform dedicated to agriculture and forestry knowledge-sharing.

The presentations around the theme "Moving towards resilient farms" were very interesting and the wide variety of speakers, from farmers to journalists and policy makers, made the discussion particularly rich.

This event gave us some insights on how to better communicate about agricultural topics towards the broad public, which will be very useful for our project.

An innovation "speed dating" was also organised and we had the opportunity to present the HoliCow project to agricultural journalists from all over Europe! It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with each others and identify future collaborations with people and companies that support the agricultural sector. It's always a pleasure to talk face-to-face about HoliCow and to learn from others as well. 

This event gave our project some visibility and hopefully will make it grow even more!

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